Voyeurism caseadjourned foreight weeks

The voyeurism case against a former church minister and adviser to Upper Bann MP David Simpson has been adjourned for eight weeks.

A prosecuting lawyer told Craigavon Magistrates Court the PPS had received the police file of the investigation into the alleged activities of 49-year-old David McConaghie.

McConaghie, from Cottage Hill in Dollingstown, is on bail facing a single charge of voyeurism on dates between January 1, 2012 and September 12, 2012 in that he allegedly “installed equipment, or constructed or adapted a structure or part of a structure with the intention of enabling yourself or another person to observe, for the purpose of obtaining sexual gratification, a third person doing a private act, knowing that the third person did not consent to being observed for that purpose”.

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The charge arose after Mr Simpson reported to police that he found a camera in the toilets of his constituency office in Portadown, allegedly placed there by McConaghie.